Sign up to perform on NYC’s biggest Queer Comedy Fest
Perform on a sold out show with some of NYC’s best LGBTQ comedians. Get a free video of your set. Multiple prizes are awarded to both beginner and advanced comedians. Grand prize is a booked tour of the best LGTBQ shows on the east coast--15 to 20 queer shows all over NYC. In addition there will be several performing residencies, spots and other bookings awarded to outstanding participants. We also take comics who perform at YAAAS! (many of whom don’t even make it to the finals) and put them on the road shows
More than anything, the festival is so much fun and gives you the opportunity to meet lots of comics from the LGBTQ+ Comedy community. Countless queer performers make their comedy debut at the festival and quickly become an active part of the “scene” through new friends and connections that they make at the festival. I cannot think of one comic who was ever disappointed with their experience. We really hope that you will join the fun
This is the Golden Age for LGBTQ Stand Up Comedy. We are dedicated to creating opportunities for LGBTQ comics at both mainstream comedy clubs and LGBTQ venues.
Last year's Fest was bigger and better than even we could have wished for: Thirty SOLD OUT shows, rave reviews and 200 of the BEST LGBTQ comics from NYC, Boston, DC, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta and Philly. (Not to mention three after-parties from which organizers have yet to recover.) We were also honored to have a lot of respected agents, managers and bookers attend our shows and many of our comics made valuable career connections. This year will be even better! We were also honored to have a lot of respected agents, managers and bookers attend our shows and many of our comics made valuable career connections. This year will be even better!
We will award prizes to both beginner and advanced LGBTQ comedians. Categories include:
Grand Jury Award-Funniest LGBTQ Comedian
Pageant Virgin Award-Funniest Newcomer
Funniest over 40
Funniest under 21
Funniest Dirty Comic
Funniest Clean Comic
Club and Critics award
Audience award